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Kotor 2 Best Class


As players learn more about the Force and their role as The Exile in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, their strength and knowledge will increase. Star Wars fans will be familiar with the Force, and just how powerful it can be; yet, when Kreia gives The Exile the potential to prestige their class, some players might find themselves confused or apprehensive to pick one straight away.

In KOTOR 2, Prestige classes are analogous to each class: Sentinel, Guardian, and Consular. The prestige class the player chooses is dependent on their primary classification and alignment with the dark side or the light side. As such, there are 6 prestige classes in total, three for the Sith and three for the Jedi. Each has its unique advantages to building the player into the Star Wars character of their dreams.

kotor 2 best class

Undoubtedly equal, the Jedi Master prestige class is nigh on the same as the Sith Lord prestige class. As for the Jedi Master, it should be reserved for those players that seek to serve the light side of the Force and remain a Jedi. If a player wants a simplified build and to just enjoy the game for its story then Jedi Master might be beneficial as it cuts out the many RPG elements.

The reason many consider the Jedi Master prestige class to be one of the weakest in KOTOR 2 is because of its restrictions. Jedi Masters cannot select Caution, Close Combat, Gear Head or Stealth Run. Furthermore, Vitality, Fortitude, and Reflex are considerably reduced over the other classes. Players will only be granted one Feat as well.

The Sith Lord prestige class is essentially the dark side equivalent to the Jedi Master. Players should select this class if they wish to serve the dark side and progress through the game as a Sith Lord that rivals that of Darth Revan and Darth Sidious. Sith Lords, much like Jedi Master, should be avoided unless the player is simply looking for a story experience rather than investing and researching into a build.

As a Jedi Weapon Master, players will be mostly sacrificing their force usage for raw power. Weapon Master is a prestige class that favors physical combat, like lightsabers and other weapons such as vibroblade and blasters, the latter being greatly utilized by HK-47. This is a great class to use for those that want to have a clean conscience and stay as a Jedi rather than a Sith.

To become a Sith Marauder is to embrace the dark side, but the depth of the connection depends entirely on the player. If someone wishes to make enemies meet the end of their blade, then the Sith Marauder is the prestige class they should choose. This powerful prestige class prioritizes physical fighting with lightsaber combat and blasters rather than the need for force powers and other such skills.

Sith Marauders have great Weapon Proficiency, but at the cost of slow Will Saves. Out of all the Sith classes, Sith Marauder grants the player the most Vitality. Three force powers and seven Feats await players as they progress through the Sith Marauder.

The biggest disadvantage of the Sith prestige classes is their lack of Saves. What this means is that the player lacks the resistance to certain moves, and in turn, can be weakened to certain states that their opponents drive out. What Sith lack in resistance, they make up for in raw power. The Sith Assassin utilizes the best of both, and with the correct build, can prevent opponents from even having a chance to raise their weapon at The Exile.

The Sith Assassin offers identical health and skill progression as the Sentinel-class, except that they can receive more Force points, and they receive Force Camouflage, a skill in which they can use stealth without the need of a device. Sneak attacks work well with Force powers and can stun enemies. However, Sith Assassins cannot use Close Combat, Dual Strike, or Regenerative Vitality Points. They make up for this with their high array of Class Skills and their fast Reflex Saves.

This skill-based prestige class is the best for creating a well-rounded Jedi. Jedi Watchmen also have the best Saves in KOTOR 2, thus making this Jedi the greatest prestige class. Their Saves will have fast categories for Fortitude, Reflex, and Will, making them resistant to a lot of enemy attacks and powers. Not only do they utilize great Saves but their Class Skills are prolific too.

Jedi Watchmen should be used to create the best Jedi that players want to be. Protecting the lives of innocents, and being the peacekeepers of the galaxy has never been so easy and more skillful than that of the Jedi Watchmen. Their Vitality and Force levels are identical to each other and the Sith Assassin. Jedi Watchmen are also granted Force Camouflage, and leveling it to Master improves it by +8. Stealth can be useful for those with Force powers, as it stuns and disables enemies alike, without being spotted, making for an easier journey through KOTOR 2.

With three different classes and multiple skills/feats that depend on what stats have been selected, players will need to choose the right combination of stats to get the most out of their Jedi class.

Essentially the warrior class in the game, the Jedi Guardian has the highest HP and can tank a lot of damage. As experts in close combat, the Guardian is a master of the lightsaber and can unlock the weapon specialization feat which does additional critical damage without needing to reach a prestige class.

Jedi Sentinel is a well-balanced option that possesses arguably the best skill set out of all the classes in KOTOR 2. Many dialogue choices and the ability to craft items are locked behind skill checks, a barrier the Sentinel can overcome easily. The class has medium levels of both HP and FP (force points). They also have immunities that grant them fewer chances to receive negative debuffs or effects.

Depending on what prestige class a player may want to opt for, the beginning stats will then vary for each Sentinel. For players who want more emphasis on the force, points should be put into Wisdom and Charisma. Players creating a melee build should dump points into Strength and Dexterity.

This sample build is for players that are gunning for the Jedi Weapons Master prestige class and wish to become a master of the blade. Alternatively, a player may reduce their points in Charisma and Strength and place them under Wisdom should they wish to try out a more force-based build.

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